Friday, February 16, 2018

WOVEN 2018

Another amazing year for WOVEN 2018!! The Lord blessed this event so much, His hand has been with us from the very beginning and I thank Him for guiding us each step of the way!!
At WOVEN we encourage women to be intentional with the set of talents and gifts the Lord has given us. We have to teach our girls and others we mentor to use what we have to minister and share the love of Christ in everything we do. We are all good at something, weather is something you can do with your hands, or speech or on the go... anything. Lets use it to honor our Lord and give Him glory to spread His goodness to all around us!!


Wow! so honored to have been able to help a little to make this teacher's lounge room a more inviting place for all these teachers who escape in here to get away from the craziness. We always have to work with a very limited budget but I love to see how much we can accomplish with very little. Once again my sweet and talented husband with his dad's help built a work bench and coffee table at very little cost... Its also amazing what coat of fresh paint and cute little curtains can do to enhance a room, we were able to use the students art work to give those walls some color and make the room more inviting and cheerful. Loved the way they look in there!!
God is good and I thank Him for allowing us to use the gifts and talents He has given us to serve others!